
client testimonials

Sophie worked with The Wildlife Trusts to help us develop a youth-led initiative around a festival. Sophie brought fresh thinking, creativity and fun to 2 days of young people co-creating a future festival for nature.
Sophie was easy to work with, really well prepared and showed great listening skills, capturing the needs of our youth groups brilliantly. More than a scribe, Sophie applied her facilitation skills to create great results. The final piece is inspirational and brings clarity to what we will be developing over the coming year.
Already thinking about how we can work together again in the future
— Director of Campaigning & Communities at The Wildlife Trusts
I have been working with Sophie for over two years now and it is a fantastic experience. Sophie has done all the illustrations for my book The 3D Workplace, co-authored with Rob Maguire. Sophie’s illustrations are brilliant! They bring the content alive and make the concepts so friendly and approachable. Sophie’s extraordinary talent is using art and illustrations to convey messages and ideas in the simplest possible way. She is a brilliant illustrator and also an amazing person to work with. Very iterative, patient, good humoured and positive. She combines her drawing talent with excellent knowledge of graphic design and video applications. We are currently working together on a whole series of further simple illustrations for a The 3D Workplace and I look forward to working with Sophie for many years to come.”
— James Lascelles - Author @ The 3D Workplace
Sophie thank you for your brilliant, sensitive graphic facilitation, which surprised and delighted so many attendees. It was great to have your skills and creativity supporting the day.
— Hub Partnerships Lead, Wellcome Trust
Sophie is a warm, dynamic and creative professional who skilfully leads teams through processes of change. She always keeps both a high level view and a keen eye on the needs of individuals. She is a master in asking the right questions at the right moment, to reach a new level of shared understanding. Sophie is a magician in bringing structure into a seeming chaos: her brilliant summaries of complex discussions give a clear direction in where to go next.
— Alex Peters - Management Trainer & Coach
You know when you think you know somebody pretty well, but you can just tell by the look in their eyes that there is something else there...well that’s Sophie. Little did I know for almost a full year that she was an accomplished rocker and jazz musician. Now considering that she had a full time job setting up and organizing one of the first communities of practice in the improvement and innovation space, not sure how she did it all. Not only did she do it, she did extremely well. Sophie is creative, thought provoking, edgy and helps people push to be disruptive in their thinking and collaborate with their kindred souls. I am glad we had Sophie to set all of that up for us, I know it would not have been the same without her.
— MD and Group Head of Performance Excellence @ Bank of New York
Sophie visualised my Business Agility speaking engagements. She did an amazing job bringing the content to life, creating strong visuals which have greatly deepened the content. Sophie is a delight to work with. She sent me through early sketches and ideas, incrementally and iteratively nudging the concepts along until we were both happy. I cannot recommend Sophie more highly. She is fun to work with and produces excellent results. If you are an exec team looking to visualise your vision and strategy to bring it to life for your organisation, look no further.
— James Dwan, Director @ Catalyst Consulting
I was in between roles and looking to sharpen my ‘brand’ to articulate what I do, and more importantly how I do it, in a more meaningful way. A colleague recommended Sophie and so I embarked on a process with her to do just that. It was thoroughly enjoyable and hugely thought provoking, and the output from this work has exceeded my expectations. Sophie’s creative and unique process really worked for me and I suspect it will catalyse a lot of further personal growth. I can honestly say it’s just what I needed, and I can’t wait to work with Sophie in an organisational setting next.
— Caroline Bennett - Talent, Leadership & OD Practitioner
I had the privilege of working with Sophie when she led a Community of Practice for senior decision makers in Operational Excellence. Sophie’s thorough research
ability backed up her enthusiasm and top class organisational skills to add real value for busy and demanding professionals. Sophie’s energy and leadership skills shone through as she designed the vision and then co-ordinated the many activities that had to be managed to deliver a very successful result. Her technical skills, caring, empathetic nature and ‘can do’ attitude make it very easy to recommend Sophie.
— David Hopkins - Workforce Management Consultant