
Digital Wellness Festival

Live Scribing, Visual Communications

Visualising insight during a large scale event in Amsterdam

 Over 25 speakers addressed the subject of Digital Wellness in Amsterdam. This scribe summarized some of the crucial points.

Over 25 speakers addressed the subject of Digital Wellness in Amsterdam. This scribe summarized some of the crucial points.

 Sponsored by Mind Over Tech,  I adapted and developed this content into branded illustrations for social media and other promotional materials.

Sponsored by Mind Over Tech, I adapted and developed this content into branded illustrations for social media and other promotional materials.

 Illustrated ‘vignettes’ were used as individual assets to accompany online editorial content.

Illustrated ‘vignettes’ were used as individual assets to accompany online editorial content.

 I co-facilitated a workshop that exchanged insight around developing healthy digital habits and visualised the key points. These too were then developed into content assets for online editorial and social media communications.

I co-facilitated a workshop that exchanged insight around developing healthy digital habits and visualised the key points. These too were then developed into content assets for online editorial and social media communications.